Ukrainian investigative journalist Vadym Komarov is in a coma after being assaulted by an unidentified person on 4th May. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) call in condemning the attack and urge the Ukrainian authorities to ensure a safe working environment for journalists and bring those responsible to justice.
According to the police, Komarov was attacked early in the morning on 4th May as he was walking in the city centre of Cherkasy, Ukraine. He was severely beaten and hospitalised. The police have launched a criminal case into a murder attempt.
A local journalist, Komarov wrote frequently on issues such as corruption, embezzlement of budget funds or illegal construction. In 2016 he survived a shooting.
OSCE Media Representative Harlem Désir condemned the”attempted murder against a local investigative journalist known for his reporting on corruption. This targeted attack is particularly alarming and cannot remain unpunished. The investigation was promptly initiated and I call on the authorities to do their utmost to fully investigate the crime.”
Credit photo: Facebook.