Category: Violation of journalists’ rights

Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen Criticized for Comments on Reporter’s Chinese Nationality

Gov. Jim Pillen of Nebraska is facing criticism after he dismissed a news article about environmental concerns at his hog farms, saying that the reporter who wrote it was from “Communist China.” The reporter, Yanqi Xu, 27, revealed her findings in an article published Sep. 7 by The Flatwater Free Press that detailed nitrate levels…
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Book Review: ‘I Love Russia,’ by Elena Kostyuchenko

I LOVE RUSSIA: Reporting From a Lost Country, by Elena Kostyuchenko. Translated by Bela Shayevich and Ilona Yazhbin Chavasse. “I Love Russia” is a provocative title for a book published in 2023. After President Vladimir Putin stunned the world by invading Ukraine in February 2022, professing a love for Russia has been risky in the…
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China Releases Australian Journalist Cheng Lei

Cheng Lei, an Australian journalist who was held in Beijing for more than three years, has returned to Australia, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said on Wednesday. Mr. Albanese said Ms. Cheng had been reunited with her two young children in Melbourne. “Her return brings an end to a very difficult few years for Cheng and…
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Mexican Journalists Are Fighting to Tell the Truth, and Dying for It

Unable to protect journalists where they work, Mexico resorted to hiding them in safe houses across the country. After years of increasing entanglement with criminal groups, the Mexican government is in some sense in a battle with itself, with case after case in which the government is, or at least appears to be, as involved…
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New Delhi Police Raid Journalists in India

The police in New Delhi raided the homes and offices on Tuesday of journalists who worked as staff or contributors for a left-leaning online news portal known for criticisms of the Indian government. The founder and editor of the news site and one of its journalists were also arrested, according to The Indian Express, a…
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En México, ser periodista es un trabajo mortal

Los periodistas mexicanos han enfrentado hackeos en sus teléfonos, amenazas de muerte, golpizas, torturas y, en una ocasión, ataques con granadas en su redacción. Se enfrentan a estos peligros en parte porque las autoridades, cuyo trabajo es protegerlos, en muchos casos han estado infiltradas por los cárteles desde hace mucho tiempo: por ejemplo, Genaro García…
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Police Chief Behind Marion County Record Raid is Suspended

The police chief of Marion, Kansas, was suspended on Thursday, more than a month after he ordered raids on the office of a local newspaper and the home of its publisher in an act rarely seen in American journalism, one that was widely condemned by news organizations as a violation of the First Amendment. Mayor…
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Book Review: ‘Sparks,’ by Ian Johnson

SPARKS: China’s Underground Historians and Their Battle for the Future, by Ian Johnson By now, it is almost clichéd to compare political misrule to the dystopia that Orwell conjured through the story of the low-ranking functionary Winston Smith in “1984,” but so many aspects of the novel have come true in today’s China — from…
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Opinion | My Jailed Father Personifies Hong Kong’s Loss of Freedom

I haven’t seen my father, Jimmy Lai, in three years. The most recent pictures that have emerged show him surrounded by guards in a Hong Kong prison courtyard during his 50 minutes of daily exercise. He looks thinner, his skin darker. But this will not be the enduring image of him that I carry. In…
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A Chinese Journalist Gave #MeToo Victims a Voice. Now She’s on Trial.

After two years in detention, a Chinese journalist who spoke up against sexual harassment stood trial on subversion charges on Friday along with a labor rights activist, the latest example of Beijing’s intensified crackdown on civil society. Huang Xueqin, an independent journalist who was once a prominent voice in China’s #MeToo movement, and her friend…
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